Volunteer Hamilton Community Builder Award

I would be honoured by your attendance at this event !!

John Piercy 

John . I am happy to inform you that you have been nominated for Volunteer Hamilton’s 2014 Community Builder Award by SEVEN different people! Congratulations!!

This is the inaugural Coummunity Builder Award and it will be presented in partnership with The Hamilton Spectator at our 16th annual Community Builder Breakfast on April 10th during National Volunteer Week. The breakfast is at Michaelangelo’s Banquet and Conference Centre on Upper Ottawa Street at 7:30am.

The recipient of this award will receive a $1000 legacy grant

We are offering all nominees and their guests a special rate to the breakfast of $25 (tickets are regular $50).

Each nominee will receive a certificate of recognition. After the breakfast, each nominee will be featured on our website and through our social media networks every week after the breakfast (nominees will have a designated week of recognition).

Please join us in a celebration of your accomplishments as well as the many volunteers and change agents in the city of Hamilton.

If you would like to purchase tickets to the breakfast or if you have any questions at all, please give me a call at 905-523-4444. I would be happy to chat with you about this opportunity.

Congratulations on your nomination and thank you for your time,

Margaret Lintott

Community Engagement Coordinator

Volunteer Hamilton